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随着 NA 会议的开始 , GBP 最强 , NZD 最弱

- 随着北美时段的开始 , 英镑是主要货币中最强的 , 而新西兰元是最弱的.今天的大部分价格反应是新西兰元 , 与所有.


随着北美时段的开始 , 英镑是主要货币中最强的 , 而新西兰元是最弱的.今天的大部分价格反应是在 NZD , 在其利率决定后 , NZD 与所有主要货币相比大幅下跌.

新西兰储备银行维持利率不变 , 这是一个更温和的决定.央行强调 , 限制性货币政策有效降低了消费者价格通胀 , 预计到今年下半年整体通胀将降至 1 - 3% 的目标区间.这与上一次被认为更鹰派的利率决定有所不同.

尽管劳动力市场压力有所缓解 , 经济活动持续 , 但一些国内价格压力依然存在.因此 , 世行维持限制性立场 , 但表示随着时间的推移 , 这种限制可能会有所缓和 , 与预期的通胀压力下降相一致.


The market reaction to the Reserve Bank of New Zealand's rate decision was dovish, surprising many who expected a reiteration of May's hawkish messages. The final paragraph of the statement suggested that monetary restraint would be tempered over time, reflecting a less hawkish stance.

此外 , BNZ 调整了他们的预测 , 现在预计 11 月而不是 2 月降息.

这将是经济方面又一个安静的日子 , 只有上午 10 点的批发库存 , 以及美国东部时间上午 10: 30 的每周残酷库存.从事件的角度来看 , 美联储主席鲍威尔将完成他今天对国会山的跋涉 , 并向众议院金融服务委员会作证.昨天 , 主席跳来跳去 , 承诺采取任何政策行动 , 尽管他确实重申下一次利率变化的方向将是下行.他将风险描述为双向的 , 而不仅仅是偏向通货膨胀.他在几个场合发表了评论 ,劳动力市场已经大幅降温 , 但仍然强劲.不过 , 他认为就业并不是通胀压力的主要因素.9 月的裁员之门仍然敞开。.

昨天美国的利率确实走高 , 但可能受到本周拍卖日历的影响 , 财政部出售了 3 / 10 / 30 年期的息票.昨天 , 在美国强劲的国内需求的支持下 , 为期三年的拍卖取得了成功.今天 , 财政部将在美国东部时间下午 1 点拍卖 10 年期债券.今天 , 收益率较低.在纳斯达克和标准普尔的带领下 , 盘前股市再次上涨。.标准普尔连续四天收于新纪录.纳斯达克指数连续五天收于新纪录.

今天的日程表上还有 :

  • BOE Mann speaking at 11:30 AM ET
  • Fed Gov. Bowman and Goolsby both speak at 2:30 PM ET
  • Fed Gov. Lisa Cook scheduled to speak at 7:30 PM ET

北美会议开始时其他市场的快照显示 :

  • Crude oil is trading down -$0.14 or -0.18% at $81.26. The price is currently on pace for its fourth consecutive down day. At this time yesterday, the price was at $82.05
  • Gold is trading up $15 or 0.64% at $2378.40. At this time yesterday, the price was trading at $2360.64
  • Silver is trading up $0.25 or 0.84% at $31.02. At this time on yesterday, the price is trading at $31.05
  • Bitcoin trading higher at $58,509. At this time yesterday, the price was trading at $57,439
  • Ethereum is also trading higher at $ 3,111.90. At this time yesterday, the price was trading at $3081.80

在盘前 , 主要指数的快照交易走高.标准普尔和纳斯达克指数继续保持创纪录的高收盘水平.标准普尔连续四天收高.纳斯达克指数连续五天收高 ( 今天为第六日工作 ).

  • Dow Industrial Average futures are implying a gain of 21.2 points. Yesterday, the Dow Industrial Average fell -52.82 points or -0.13% 39291.98.
  • S&P futures are implying a gain of 15.50 points. Yesterday, the S&P index rose 4.11 points or 0.07% at 5576.97 (a new record close).
  • Nasdaq futures are implying a gain of 84 points. Yesterday, the index rose 25.55 points or 0.14% at 18429.29 (a new record)

在最近的政治变化下跌之后 , 欧洲股票指数正在反弹 :

  • German DAX, +0.68%
  • France CAC +0.67%
  • UK FTSE 100, was 0.62%
  • Spain's Ibex, +0.99%
  • Italy's FTSE MIB, +0.85% (delayed 10 minutes).

除 Manzanita 收于新的高位外 , 亚太地区市场的股票大多走低 :

  • Japan's Nikkei 225, +0.61%
  • China's Shanghai Composite Index, -0.68%
  • Hong Kong's Hang Seng index, -0.29%
  • Australia S&P/ASX index, -0.16%

看美债市场 , 收益率较高

  • 2-year yield 4.609%, -4.8 basis points. At this time yesterday, the yield was at 4.641%
  • 5-year yield 4.223%, -2.5 basis points.. At this time yesterday, the yield was at 4.255%
  • 10-year yield 4.274%, -2.6 basis points. At this time yesterday, the yield was at 4.295%
  • 30-year yield 4.468%, -2.7 basis points. At this time yesterday, the yield was at 4.478%

看看国债收益率曲线 , 利差从昨天的水平开始变得更负 :

  • The 2-10 year spread is at -33.5 basis points. At this time yesterday, the spread was at -34.5 basis points.
  • The 2-30 year spread is at -14.2 basis points. At this time yesterday, the spread was at -16.4 basis points.

在欧洲债券市场 , 基准 10 年期债券行业的收益率较低 :

European benchmark 10 year yields

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