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这家国际银行集团已任命法国兴业银行前创新主管Laurent Marochini担任卢森堡业务首席执行官。此举标志着渣打银行继最近在阿拉伯联合酋长国推出类似服务后,数字资产战略的再次扩展。




The Luxembourg operation is part of Standard Chartered's digital asset strategy and follows similar developments by other financial institutions in the blockchain Blockchain Blockchain comprises a digital network of blocks with a comprehensive ledger of transactions made in a cryptocurrency such as Bitcoin or other altcoins.One of the signature features of blockchain is that it is maintained across more than one computer. The ledger can be public or private (permissioned). In this sense, blockchain is immune to the manipulation of data, making it not only open but verifiable. Because a blockchain is stored across a network of computers, it is very difficult to tamp Blockchain comprises a digital network of blocks with a comprehensive ledger of transactions made in a cryptocurrency such as Bitcoin or other altcoins.One of the signature features of blockchain is that it is maintained across more than one computer. The ledger can be public or private (permissioned). In this sense, blockchain is immune to the manipulation of data, making it not only open but verifiable. Because a blockchain is stored across a network of computers, it is very difficult to tamp Read this Term and digital asset sector.





渣打银行还运营着名为Zodia Markets的加密货币部门,该部门最近宣布计划收购Elwood Capital Management Ltd(ECML),这是Elwood Technology的数字资产场外(OTC)交易部门。该交易于2024年8月达成,旨在加强Zodia Markets的受监管地位,并改善其为全球机构客户提供的服务。

This acquisition aligns with Elwood Technologies’ strategy to concentrate on its core software-as-a-service (SaaS) Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) Software-as-a-Service (SaaS), is defined as a subscription-based software licensing model that is nested through external servers. Generally accessible through an Internet connection, SaaS requires users to log into the system by using credentials such as a username (or email) and passwords. One of SaaS’s biggest advantage would be that users aren’t required to download software onto their devices but rather only require an Internet connection to gain program access. While many trading platforms Software-as-a-Service (SaaS), is defined as a subscription-based software licensing model that is nested through external servers. Generally accessible through an Internet connection, SaaS requires users to log into the system by using credentials such as a username (or email) and passwords. One of SaaS’s biggest advantage would be that users aren’t required to download software onto their devices but rather only require an Internet connection to gain program access. While many trading platforms Read this Term offerings, including its execution management system (EMS) and portfolio management system (PMS) tailored for institutional investors. The move reflects Elwood's intention to focus exclusively on digital asset execution and portfolio management software while divesting its OTC trading business.

对于Zodia Markets来说,此次收购是其增长战略的重要一步,为其授予泽西岛虚拟资产服务提供商服务和投资业务的许可证。这些许可证将使Zodia Markets能够扩大其受监管的产品,特别是在场外结算服务方面,进一步将该公司定位为领先的机构加密货币服务提供商。



这家国际银行集团已任命法国兴业银行前创新主管Laurent Marochini担任卢森堡业务首席执行官。此举标志着渣打银行继最近在阿拉伯联合酋长国推出类似服务后,数字资产战略的再次扩展。




The Luxembourg operation is part of Standard Chartered's digital asset strategy and follows similar developments by other financial institutions in the blockchain Blockchain Blockchain comprises a digital network of blocks with a comprehensive ledger of transactions made in a cryptocurrency such as Bitcoin or other altcoins.One of the signature features of blockchain is that it is maintained across more than one computer. The ledger can be public or private (permissioned). In this sense, blockchain is immune to the manipulation of data, making it not only open but verifiable. Because a blockchain is stored across a network of computers, it is very difficult to tamp Blockchain comprises a digital network of blocks with a comprehensive ledger of transactions made in a cryptocurrency such as Bitcoin or other altcoins.One of the signature features of blockchain is that it is maintained across more than one computer. The ledger can be public or private (permissioned). In this sense, blockchain is immune to the manipulation of data, making it not only open but verifiable. Because a blockchain is stored across a network of computers, it is very difficult to tamp Read this Term and digital asset sector.





渣打银行还运营着名为Zodia Markets的加密货币部门,该部门最近宣布计划收购Elwood Capital Management Ltd(ECML),这是Elwood Technology的数字资产场外(OTC)交易部门。该交易于2024年8月达成,旨在加强Zodia Markets的受监管地位,并改善其为全球机构客户提供的服务。

This acquisition aligns with Elwood Technologies’ strategy to concentrate on its core software-as-a-service (SaaS) Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) Software-as-a-Service (SaaS), is defined as a subscription-based software licensing model that is nested through external servers. Generally accessible through an Internet connection, SaaS requires users to log into the system by using credentials such as a username (or email) and passwords. One of SaaS’s biggest advantage would be that users aren’t required to download software onto their devices but rather only require an Internet connection to gain program access. While many trading platforms Software-as-a-Service (SaaS), is defined as a subscription-based software licensing model that is nested through external servers. Generally accessible through an Internet connection, SaaS requires users to log into the system by using credentials such as a username (or email) and passwords. One of SaaS’s biggest advantage would be that users aren’t required to download software onto their devices but rather only require an Internet connection to gain program access. While many trading platforms Read this Term offerings, including its execution management system (EMS) and portfolio management system (PMS) tailored for institutional investors. The move reflects Elwood's intention to focus exclusively on digital asset execution and portfolio management software while divesting its OTC trading business.

对于Zodia Markets来说,此次收购是其增长战略的重要一步,为其授予泽西岛虚拟资产服务提供商服务和投资业务的许可证。这些许可证将使Zodia Markets能够扩大其受监管的产品,特别是在场外结算服务方面,进一步将该公司定位为领先的机构加密货币服务提供商。

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