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B2 BROKER扩大cTrader白标服务,推出量身定制的道具交易挑战

B2 BROKER通过推出B2 PROP(一个基于挑战的平台)来应对自营交易日益增长的兴趣和传统在线交易的衰落。

B2 BROKER通过推出B2 PROP(一个基于挑战的平台)来应对自营交易日益增长的兴趣和传统在线交易的衰落。自去年推出以来,B2 PROP越来越受欢迎。

B2 BROKER现在正在推出cTrader White Label支柱交易解决方案。该平台专为机构和零售经纪商量身定制,提供全面的经纪基础设施,简化了公司启动和管理自己的自营交易业务的流程。

B2 BROKER推出cTrader

Ivan Navodnyy,B2 BROKER首席产品官,资料来源:LinkedIn

“cTrader Prop Trading WH为机构和零售经纪商提供完整的经纪基础设施。我们的解决方案使经纪商能够快速为我们的客户提供品牌化、可定制的体验,”B2 BROKER首席产品官Ivan Navodnyy评论道。

Since 2022, B2BROKER has provided Forex Forex Foreign exchange or forex is the act of converting one nation’s currency into another nation’s currency (that possesses a different currency); for example, the converting of British Pounds into US Dollars, and vice versa. The exchange of currencies can be done over a physical counter, such as at a Bureau de Change, or over the internet via broker platforms, where currency speculation takes place, known as forex trading.The foreign exchange market, by its very nature, is the world’s largest tradi Foreign exchange or forex is the act of converting one nation’s currency into another nation’s currency (that possesses a different currency); for example, the converting of British Pounds into US Dollars, and vice versa. The exchange of currencies can be done over a physical counter, such as at a Bureau de Change, or over the internet via broker platforms, where currency speculation takes place, known as forex trading.The foreign exchange market, by its very nature, is the world’s largest tradi Read this Term and CFD brokers with the cTrader White Label platform. The cTrader Prop Trading White Label is a distinct offering tailored specifically for proprietary trading firms.

cTrader White Label Prop交易解决方案允许交易员应对虚拟基金的挑战。成功的参与者可以赚取资金账户。这种设置旨在提高交易员和公司的盈利能力,并制定明确的利润目标和明确的风险限制。


B2BROKER’s cTrader White Label solution provides proprietary trading firms, cryptocurrency and Forex brokers, and multi-asset Multi-Asset Composed of varying asset classes, multi-asset is a blanket designation combining different classes such bonds, equities, cash equivalents, fixed income, and alternative investments.When compared to traditional balanced funds, multi-asset solutions differ because they target specific investment outcomes. This includes outcomes such as return above inflation as opposed to gauging performance against standardized benchmarks.Given the composition of multi-asset classes, they need to be dynamically Composed of varying asset classes, multi-asset is a blanket designation combining different classes such bonds, equities, cash equivalents, fixed income, and alternative investments.When compared to traditional balanced funds, multi-asset solutions differ because they target specific investment outcomes. This includes outcomes such as return above inflation as opposed to gauging performance against standardized benchmarks.Given the composition of multi-asset classes, they need to be dynamically Read this Term brokerages with the tools to create custom trading challenges. These challenges assess and improve traders' skills, with defined metrics for profit targets, risk limits, and performance criteria.

该解决方案包括cTrader基础设施、基于B2 PROP的客户柜、流动性或数据源、加密货币处理以及与支付系统的集成。它是启动自营交易业务的交钥匙解决方案。

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